Printing Press, Mechanized Paper Production and the Internet

Just as the printing press changed lectures from recitations of the only book at the University to discussion of the texts and advancements in paper production dropped the price of paper to a price where essays could be written down and submitted for evaluation rather than spoken, new technologies will impact the practices in which Higher Education develops in the future.  Technologies of the past have changed the methods in which faculty and students communicate.  Both lowered the price of the medium of communication, but communicating through writing were still essential.

The internet and the advancements in online tools have changed how we communicate and the cost of dissemination of content. I can now share my writing with the world for as little as dollars a month on my own site or for free on a Google Sites.  To help you consider this impact and reflect on what it might mean for the future of Higher Education, we have built this site for the course that will allow us to syndicate the weekly writing exercises from your OU Create site.


Submit URL


Rich Site Summary (RSS) has enable broad syndication of material.  RSS is what enables podcast subscriptions and apps like Feedly to work.  Before RSS, a user would need to go to the website to see if new information had been posted.  With RSS, the user could become a subscriber and have the content pushed to them when it was published.  You do not have to go see if the next episode of Serial is up, it comes to you, usually through a RSS feed agent.

On this form you will provide us with the URL to your site and give us your preferred user name.  You can also agree or disagree to allow us to syndicate your site to the main course site. This is not required and will not negatively impact your grade. If you do agree to syndicate your site content to the main site, then this will enable easily sharing of your reflections on the weekly exercise prompts.

Course Tags

The list below should be your starting point for tagging your content on your site. Required tags are noted for each assignment below. Feel free to create and add your own tags to posts.  All of your Categories and Tags that you add to your posts will be converted to tags on the main course site.

Help us keep the site organized by using tags on all posts.

Using Multiple Tags

Example of use: exercise02, reflection, history

Required Course Tags

Writing Exercise 1: exercise01

Writing Exercise 2: exercise02

Writing Exercise 3: exercise03

Writing Exercise 4: exercise04

Writing Exercise 5: exercise05

Writing Exercise 6: exercise06

Writing Exercise 7: exercise07

Writing Exercise 8: exercise08

Writing Exercise 9: exercise09

Writing Exercise 10: exercise10

Common tags

  • history – to denote posts related to the history of Higher Education
  • future – to denote posts related to the future of Higher Education
  • inclusion – to denote posts related to diversity, equity and inclusion in Higher Education
  • edtech – post related to Educational Technology in Higher Education
  • reflection – to denote reflections on your thoughts, ideas and experiences

Examples of potential tags

innovation, disruption, degrees, credentials, athletics (Create them to fit your post)