Writing Exercise 3

Higher Education: Above and Beyond

In today’s world, where the value of a college degree is not placed on the high pedestal that it once was, students visualize higher education as the only pathway to success. Moreover, going to college means having an occupation and income, and in the long run, happiness and ease. However, the idea of higher education […]

Character and College

If one asked most college students why they attended university, the most popular answer would certainly be “to get a degree”. There would be a few “to get a good job” and “to enjoy the experience”. What if that is not all college has to offer? Maybe instead of preparing …

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Verifying Virtues

OU’s mission statement: “The mission of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research and creative activity, and service to the state and society.” Nowhere in this statement does the university concern itself with enhancing the virtues of students. Now, obviously no university … Continue reading Verifying Virtues

The Importance of Integrity

The topic of this week’s writing assignment immediately interested me, because before we even answer the question, we must first be in agreement that having virtue and good character is important in the quality of a person. I know, I know, what am I saying? Of course it’s important for people to have integrity, to be honest, and to be… Read more →

The Secret Diploma – The Impact of College on Human Nature

dictionary.reference.com defines the term “university” as meaning “an institution of learning of the highest level.” In regards to the deeper examination of the notion of higher education itself, this can be viewed as a very apt and fitting definition in many senses. The concept of college, university, and the umbrella that encompasses higher education in […]

Kindling Character

When attempting to solve a problem it is important to first think of the actions that have already been taken. Regardless of what the problem is, the field it is in, or how complex the solution is, it is best to start research with what has already been tried. Whether previous attempts were successful or … Read more

Universities and Character Building

I think that Universities can have a large impact on the development of students since students attend them at a critical point in their lives. College marks a time where most students must be independent for the first time and this allows them to create their own ideals and form their own opinions. However, since students are so impressionable at this stage, I believe that it is the duty and opportunity for the Universities to create an environment that allows students to develop in positive ways. I think that many…read more
