A Worthwhile Investment?

Lately, it seems that the average college graduates are not earning salaries high enough to justify their time at the university. We discussed the intricacies of the higher education system, but we did not fully discuss the economic mess that recent and future college graduates will have to deal with. For students who are not following an exact plan after… Read more →

The World’s Knowledge

Existing in the world today is a plethora of knowledge, discoveries, research, cultures, and ideas. Many of these things such as crucially important historical documents, original pieces of art, literary works, and research are stored in museums and libraries all over the world. They are preserved so that current generations and future posterity can learn from them and analyze them,… Read more →

Disruptive Innovation

When small companies create and offer products that are similar, cheaper, and more easily accessible than the products of large companies, these small companies are doing a great service to people who cannot obtain or pay for the services that the large companies are offering at higher prices. This is disruptive innovation, and it is basically synonymous with ‘change’ and… Read more →

The Predominant Voice

Here at OU and many other large universities, the political, academic, and legal authority is held by many different groups of people, but who, precisely, should have the final say in issues regarding the following topics? Hiring faculty Creating/revising curriculum Deciding undergraduate admission Determining faculty workload Making tenure decisions Dealing with student misconduct And ultimately, what voices should predominate the… Read more →

Life (Abridged)

Sometimes, very briefly, I forget that life (“real life”) outside of college will be much more volatile than the buffered life inside of college. I imagine myself completing my bachelor’s degree and going on to get a Master’s degree and possibly a PhD, and during these upcoming years of further schooling, I do not think that I will be exposed… Read more →

We Are All Stardust

As I am not a minority race in the United States, I feel shameful in trying to discuss racial discrimination and its prevalence. In my mind, my doing so is comparable to the offspring of Nazi soldiers attempting to describe the struggles of holocaust victims’ offspring. I simply have no credibility here because I have not faced the kind of… Read more →

Financial Aid Based on Your Major?

    So, the question is whether or not colleges like Harvard would give students more financial aid IF federal and state governments “capped their financial aid to students at the price for attending an in-state flagship university.” Well, in order to answer this, I had to look up “flagship university” because I had no idea what that meant. If… Read more →

Financial Aid Based on Your Major?

    So, the question is whether or not colleges like Harvard would give students more financial aid IF federal and state governments “capped their financial aid to students at the price for attending an in-state flagship university.” Well, in order to answer this, I had to look up “flagship university” because I had no idea what that meant. If… Read more →

The Importance of Integrity

The topic of this week’s writing assignment immediately interested me, because before we even answer the question, we must first be in agreement that having virtue and good character is important in the quality of a person. I know, I know, what am I saying? Of course it’s important for people to have integrity, to be honest, and to be… Read more →

Higher Education: Our Angsty Teenager

I spent quite a while thoughtfully considering each of the events on the Historical Timeline of American Higher Education and even did a bit of independent Internet searching, but seeing as the provided timeline was twelve pages long, there were plenty of intriguing events to choose from. Just four events in, and I pinpointed the first that seemed particularly significant:… Read more →
